Save Vaping Campaign
A vapers response to the current campaign against flavours and disposable vapes
The letter below will be sent to the Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care and Scottish Minister for Environment and Land Reform. It is part of our response to the latest witch hunt against disposables and misinformation surrounding the role of flavours in vaping.
We would like as many of our customers as possible to fill in, sign and send.
This will help provide some favourable evidence on behalf of the vaping industry which is currently facing a lot of bad press and pressure from misinformed parties.
To Whom It May Concern:
I have successfully used an e-cigarette to give up smoking. Without these devices I would probably still be a smoker.
Flavoured E-liquid
Different flavours of e-liquid are a huge contributory factor in enabling vapers to move away from traditional cigarettes. The different flavours reduce the association to traditional cigarettes.
There is no need for nicotine to be associated with tobacco anymore.
A flavour ban only helps the tobacco industry.
I would have struggled to make the transition to e-cigarettes if there were only tobacco flavours available to vape.
Disposable Vapes
There is a lot of negativity surrounding both the waste from and the use by underage people of disposable vapes.
There is a very easy fix for both issues. This would involve repealing the 2ml tank capacity for a more sensible 10ml tank capacity and allowing the adding of a charging port to devices.
What this does:
1. This increases the price point beyond the affordable level for underage buyers. 2ml disposable vapes retail at approximately £5 each.
A 10ml rechargeable device would retail at approximately £15 each. There is data about the move from 10 packs to 20 packs of cigarettes that supports this approach. 1
2. Current 2ml disposables approximately equate to a “one day vape”.
Replacing these with a larger 10ml capacity, rechargeable disposable would approximately equate to a “one week vape”.
An estimated 80% reduction in direct waste from disposables would follow.
We are asking you, as our government, to listen to the opinion of the vaping community and those who have directly benefited from vaping as a means to stop smoking.
Pressure is being directed at the UK vaping industry to fall in line with other countries where vaping has been side lined in the mainstream fight against tobacco use.
The UK vaping industry has contributed to a huge reduction in the number of smokers over the last decade. 2
Vaping has been proven to be up to 95% safer than smoking. 3
Kind Regards,
A concerned vaper
A copy of this letter will be sent to the Scottish Health and Environment Ministers.
Thank you for joining us in our Save Vaping Campaign.
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